What's wrong with the national polls?
(Cross-posted at the Princeton Election Consortium)National polling averages are contradictory: Pollster gives Romney by +0.4%, TalkingPointsMemo gives Romney by +0.6%, and RealClearPolitics gives...
View ArticlePrinceton Election Consortium - a technical announcement
Greetings, all. My name is Sam Wang. I founded the Princeton Election Consortium. The site's Meta-Analysis of State Polls started here in 2004 as a diary during the Bush v. Kerry race. Now, in...
View ArticlePrinceton Election Consortium - Resolving national vs. state polls
In this year's race, national polls show a tie, while state polls show a decisive Obama advantage. The discrepancy has interested many commentators on the right: Karl Rove, Ross Douthat. Also Andrew...
View ArticleRace and mental traits: Nicholas Wade's third error
(Cross-posted at the Princeton Election Consortium) An octogenarian once invited me to his old, exclusive East Coast club to give a talk about neuroscience, my area of specialty. Afterwards, as we...
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